Image Description: This logo features a bright, white outline drawing of a mortar board style graduation hat with a hanging tassel. Under the hat where someone’s face would be, also in bright, white lettering reads “Dr. Cyn and the Graduates RISE.” The stems on the letter E are lifting up and to the right to symbolize rising. Created with Marilu Herrera.

Dr. CynCorrigible and their band Graduates Rise use punk rock, confessional poetry, and explicit criticism in an attempt to demystify politics and systems of higher education.

Graduates Rise Linktree

In this image, Dr. CynCorrigible is pictured wearing an army jacket and gothic jewelry. Their hair is teased up in a side hawk and they have a black stripe of makeup across their eyes. They are standing against a black sky with a snarl on their face, hands reaching up as if grasping for change.

Dr. Cyn and the Graduates Rise’ new album

This album is about both the cosmic joy and profound sadness of modern American life.
— Dr. Cyn


Available everywhere digital Now!

Music videos will be released monthly until July 26, 2025.

Nine punk rock songs to help you cope with the horrors of submission to the seemingly inevitable systemic exploitation of human beings in art, commerce, education, finance, healthcare, labor, and sport, and then one spacey love song, there’s always hope you know…

Check out the full Press Release for Canary here:

Pictured is Dr. Cyn standing at the mic, surrounded by their bandmates from the Canary lineup, Jerry Campbell on guitar, D. Patrick Rodgers on drums, and Bingham Barnes on bass. They are all wearing black, smiling, and standing together as a band holding their instruments in front of several amps.

Coming Soon! April 1, 2025 Video Release Devolution Revolution

in honor of

World Autism Month

Change is never easy.
— Dr. Cyn

Graduates Rise performs for the Nashville Visionaries curation by Carl Pope at Tennessee State University’s Hiram Van Gordon Gallery, March 13, 2019. Left to Right - Erik Dail, Dr. Cyn Corrigible, Michael Majett.

Graduates Rise performs for the Nashville Visionaries curation by Carl Pope at Tennessee State University’s Hiram Van Gordon Gallery, March 13, 2019. Left to Right Erik Dail on drums, Dr. CynCorrigible on the mic, and Michael Majett plays bass.

Dr. Cyn is a member of Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities (RAMPD). This image features the RAMPD logo in black on a background that is colored like the disability pride flag with a series of pink, yellow, white, blue, and green colored stripes on a field of black. The RAMPD logo is a music note designed to resemble a uniquely styled human. It also features the leters RAMPD and the website