Graduates Rise Campaigns
Join Dr. Cyn and the Graduates Rise in action!
Disabled to the Front Advisory Group
A new committee of the Mayor’s Office of Nightlife where Dr. Cyn serves as the Chair working to promote disabled people’s access to nightlife in Nashville, TN.
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There is also a Facebook Group you may join to help plan nights out among people with disabilities. “Disabled to the Front - Nashville Nightlife”
Click to Learn More.
This image says "Disabled to the Front" on the left in large letters and depicts Dr. Cyn using their rolling walker on the right. Their mohawk is up and they are smiling and the image implies motion to the right. The artwork is white line drawings on a blue background. This image is part of Dr. Cyn and the Graduates Rise's #DisabilityPride shop.
Don’t be Stupid, Don’t Be Cruel: Elder Abuse Prevention Campaign - coming June 2025!
the Riot Grrrl Manifesto: An Update for The Digital Age
One part of the Riot Grrrl Movement occurring in the early 1990s was led by Washington State-based band Bikini Kill. Lead singer Kathleen Hanna published The Riot Grrrl Manifesto in 1991 in the BIKINI KILL ZINE 2.
This update centers Riot Grrrl as an inclusive and intersectional movement prepared to endure through the digital age as written by Dr. CynCorrigible, Songstress for Nashville-based band Dr. Cyn and the Graduates Rise.
Click to Learn More.
What if we all focused on Membership??
by Graduates Rise
Edutainment Module & Press Materials
Winner of an International Safety Media Award!!
Graduates Rise won an Honorable Mention in the Campaigns under $50,000 category for this campaign at the 2022 World Safety Conference held by the World Health Organization in Adelaide, Australia.